If you're here, it's because you're searching for an alternative for your family. If you're doing that, we were recently in the same place as parents. We found that schools weren't offering what we were looking for - a childhood for our children, deeper relationships within our family, meaningful learning experiences, and daily opportunities to "just be."
The "why" is different for every family. Take a moment to find yours. Try Googling "for homeschool arguments" or "self-directed learning" and think about how your family's values align.
Self-directed learning means that we may engage in learning as we are called to do so. Self-directed learning belongs first to the learner and therefore has greater value and impact. Promoting self-directed learning is a step to also promote equity, freedom, and self-love - our highest goals as a community.
Montessori learning environments are collaborative, they foster curiosity and cooperation. In this, children are actively engaged in the work of learning and adults are responsible for fostering meaningful environments for learning. Offering Montessori frameworks and resources allows choice and provides opportunities for acquiring fundamental skills and knowledge.
Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes. We celebrate diversity! Every child is special and an important part of our community. We're certified in special education for all ages, NC ESA providers, and will work with you to learn more about what’s best for your child together. Together, we'll find areas for growth and use areas of strength to build confidence and interest.
The child that you homeschool will not be the child that attends school for seven hours and comes home exhausted and already frustrated. This version of your child will not have been holding back impulses and engaged in compliance for the majority of their day. Through practice your child will develop a deeper relationship with you, a fuller understanding of themselves as a learner, and a better ability to sustain focus on tasks that foster indivdualized growth.
That’s why we work together. You know more about yourself and your child than anyone else! We have the resources to make sure that academic learning keeps moving forward. You’ll have access to materials, model lessons that are a good fit, ideas for teaching, and be part of a network that includes other parent-teachers and teacher-parents.
For this work, a home environment, rather than another institutional one, is ideal. It provides the comfort and resources that children need to grow. Children will transition from your home to ours and vice-versa with ease.
What began in our dining room with a well-appointed art cart, is now a stand-alone schoolhouse designed with nature and community in mind. The interior space is filled with Montessori materials, books, learning games, and all the craft and tinkering supplies one could wish for. Our backyard is home to chickens, a growing garden, and a lively spring fed pond.
Yes. Dandelion is endorsed and insured. We are also in line with NC state law and encourage you to learn more about the autonomy that opening your own homeschool creates for your family. Keep in mind that institutional places of education weren’t normal generations ago either. Compulsory schooling is a relatively new experiment too and we believe collaborative education is an ideal alternative.
We're preparing for our fifth year and delighted to share new opportunities with families!
There are over 12,000 children enrolled in homeschools in Wake County alone. We will continue to build partnerships and expand our network to offer more schedule and group options, an expanded curriculum library, and additional resources.