We consider education to be the sum of everything that is learned and applied in a meaningful life. We invest deeply in meaningful relationships with ourselves and others. Mindful pauses, journaling, and learning in collaboration with others are all embedded within our practice. This allows all members to experience autonomy and support for learning within community.
We know how to support all types of readers! We talk and listen to build language. We explore written words, sentences, story, and structure. We use reading to complete tasks, gather new knowledge, learn from others, and escape into imaginary worlds. We write with precision and creativity to show what we know and share what we imagine.
We will work together from concrete to abstract. Schoolhouse families have full access to our Montessori materials and support. We work together to approach mathematical conversations that build understanding and fluency in the areas of reasoning, arithmetic, geometry, and algebra.
Science is learned through action. It is also connected to linguistic and mathematical understanding. We conduct experiments and explore the environment around us. and invest in record keeping, data, and scientific methods. Topics include: botany, health, weather systems, astronomy, ecology, biology, geology, zoology, and physics.
Social studies is where we consider how humans interact with our world and with each other. We explore human geography, history, and social interactions. We use research, discussion, and story to learn about those who share our experiences and to learn from those who have experiences unlike our own.
Beauty can be found in all that we do. Art lessons accompany observation, projects, map-making, and literacy. We self-select medium and topics for creative work. Together we sing, put on plays, and make beautiful things. We know how to make wonderful messes and how to reach learning objectives through creative work.
In our work together, we find that young people experience reassurance and growth together when given ample opportunity to share time together in nature. Our meetings include time outside together - both simply and with intentional tools, lessons, journals, guidance, and shared wonder and joy.
In addition to a complete Montessori and teacher developed materials library, participants in our programs are provided with classroom supplies and daily journals. We use the SeeSaw platform (much like a closed Instagram account) to build individual portfolios and share learning within our community.
We prioritize human interaction and leverage technology as a tool. In the schoolhouse, we take advantage of our time together and use physical texts and tools first. We also celebrate that technology offers homeschool families powerful resources and consider its use a life skill. We use technology responsibly and offer curated links in our schoolhouse menus.