Flying Squads are a true social growth opportunity for tweens and teens! It is incredible to see how quickly young people develop friendships, confidence, communication skills, and calm when they work together to make decisions and explore our community. Unlike school field trips, Flying Squads do not have a destination determined by adults. Following the Montessori practice of "Going Out," we instead decide together where to go and how to spend our time each week.
Flying Squads include young people ages 11-14 with all kinds of interests. Right now, our group is interested in sports, nature, art, music, video games, literature, pop culture and much more. We're delighted to see how well Flying Squads groups work together and celebrate their diversity!
Our Adult Guides, Ms. Dalton Onorato and Mr Ky Colber, r, are experienced counselors who provide transportation, supervision, support, and planning. All DLC staff also complete NC background checks and Red Cross First Aid Certification.
Monday Squads begin and end at Forest Ridge Park at 10am and 2pm.
Tuesday Squads begin and end at Wake Forest Library at 10am and 2pm.
Example locations - Piedmont Wildlife Center, Forest Ridge Park, Blue Jay Point Park, Durant Nature Preserve, Horseshoe Park and Preserve, Anne E. Wilkerson Nature Preserve, Falls Lake Dam and Visitor Center, Wake Forest Reservoir, American Tobacco Trail, NC State Student Union, Mordecai House, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, North Carolina Museum of History
There are Flying Squads all over the world! Learn more at